We cordially invite researchers to present their work to fellow researchers and to the general audience!
Oral presentations can be submitted for the following plenary symposia (please check the online scientific program for further information on lecture titles, chairmen and invited speakers)
Plenary Symposia (onsite symposia)
1. Stress, anxiety and COVID19
2. Women and stress
3. Stress and addiction: Biological & psychological mechanisms
4. Everyday life stress
5. Telemedicine
6. Anxiety, depression and loneliness
7. Psychobiological mechanisms of social stress and social buffering
In each of the above mentioned symposia, 2 slots are reserved for oral presenters
eLectures (available on demand at the time of the congress to participants)
Presentations can be submitted as well as recorded eLectures. The topic must be related to stress and anxiety and eLectures should have a lenght of 10-15 minutes. They can be submitted within the following 5 categories:
1. Basic science
2. Diagnostics
3. Therapy
4. Psychology
5. COVID-19, stress and anxiety
General remarks
Oral presenters will be allocated 15 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers with the audience.
Submitted oral presentations and eLectures will be evaluated by the congress committees and the chairmen of the symposium for which a presentation is submitted.
Authors will be informed on the acceptance of their proposal for an oral presentation until June 30, 2023.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions concerning the abstract submission:
World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders e.V. (WASAD)
Augustinerstrasse 6
97070 Würzburg
Phone: +49 (0) 931-20790248
Fax: +49 (0) 931-20790246
email: info@wasad.de